The Kings of Christmas by Doug Schutte

By Art Sanctuary (other events)

Friday, December 13 2024 7:30 PM 10:00 PM EDT

Frank King...............BRYCE WOODARD
Carter King..............LEE STEIN
Clinton King............TONY SMITH
Carol King.................ABBY BRAUNE
Kennedy King..........JOEY EBERLING
Wendy Reina.............MEGHAN LOGUE HOLLAND
Stein King..................BRYCE WOODARD


Director....................SABRINA STEIN


"THE KINGS?  Nothing at The Bard will make me smile more than my memories of this show."

--Doug Schutte


You've got that shoot!
With critics and audiences calling it "a Louisville holiday tradition" and "flat-out brilliant," it's no wonder KINGS just keeps going and going. With our new space still under renovation the KING family finds themselves at Art Sanctuary this year! Come join us for a wild, one night only, holiday wonder-- Doug Schutte's THE KINGS OF CHRISTMAS!

"Louisville has a lot of theatrical holiday traditions, starting with The Nutcracker, but The Kings of Christmas is the only one that's homegrown." - Courier Journal

"A holiday show that has become a Louisville holiday of the funniest shows you’ll see this holiday season. It’s a brilliant riff on Dickens’ classic A Christmas Carol." - LEO Weekly

"The Kings of Christmas by Doug Schutte is a must-see. If you don’t have a ticket, buy immediately — if you still can. If you can’t, you might consider bribery. Or theft. Or blanketing your social media connections in hopes that somebody who has a ticket will come down with something… The years have not diminished the ingenious intoxicating pleasures of this holiday treat." - LEO Weekly 

"Comic Writing of a high order" - LEO Weekly

"The madcap opening moments of Kings are flat-out brilliant – and the rest of the play lives up to the opening. This is among the best-written, best-executed riffs on Dickens’ A Christmas Carol you’ll ever see."  - LEO Weekly

"The first half of the play is a courtroom comedy like none other, with Uncle Frank as prosecutor (channeling his courtroom idol, Ben Matlock), Wendy as an earnestly impulsive defense attorney (who repeatedly objects to her own inappropriate remarks) and a judge and jury made from poster board cutouts. The highlight of the trial is an intricate series of Rashomon-like reenactments that depict various accounts of Marley’s demise. These scenes are comic writing of a high order – and the ensemble revels in the shape-shifting variations." - LEO Weekly 

"One of the funniest shows you'll ever see" - Arts Louisville